Facial Acupuncture - Micro-Needling
Micro-needling is a cosmetic procedure best performed by specially trained acupuncturists. Acupuncturists have an innate understanding of needling the body and face, and have a distinct history and perspective in naturally restoring what is not functioning properly.
Through a complete assessment I get to the root of your Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnosis, while performing a cosmetic service. I treat your entire body, mind, and spirit which will leave you balanced, and shining from the inside out - which is unmistakable, true beauty.
Using the Acu-Lift micro-needling pen I provide a top grade aesthetic treatment that has proven to produce collagen and have noticeable effects after a series of 4-6 treatments.
What to expect
How many treatments will I need?
A series of 4-6 treatments once a month will give you the best results from micro-needling. Any less or closer together will not give your body enough stimulation and healing time to create the collagen we desire from using the medical grade Acu-Lift micro needle pen.
Can I bunch my Acu-lift pen appointments closer together?
No, your body needs time to create collagen. Other sub-par micro needling pens may require more treatments, but the one I use does not. In between your monthly Acu-Lift pen treatments we can use a nano needle, which will increase product absorption and gently induce healing from the micro-needling treatment. We can also do facial acupuncture and body acupuncture that aids healing, and supports the body in functioning optimally to produce as much collagen as possible.
Do you have anything that will help with any pain while using the Acu-Lift micro pen?
Yes, I use numbing cream, which is not the most natural of substances, however it works well to decrease pain. This is applied 15-20 minutes before, and while it soaks in I work on your daily diagnosis to balance you and insert acupuncture needles to points on the hands, arms, and legs, etc.
Acu-Lift Micro-Needling - Costs and Preparation
How much does it cost?
First appointments are $350, and follow-ups come in packages of 4 for $1000 or 6 for $1200. Single tune-up treatments are $325. Treatment time lasts about 75-90 mins, with the micro pen use limited to about 30 mins.
In addition to getting the micro-needling service, you will also receive regular body acupuncture and possibly some facial acupuncture, gua sha, and cupping that will leave you balanced and relaxed. The additional acupuncture will also support the healing process and collagen building. Acupuncture has countless benefits, and with my 17 years of experience, you receive thorough treatment at an expert level. I only treat one patient at a time, and you have my full attention and expertise focused on you.
How should I prepare for my treatment?
Please come with a clean face.
No anti-inflammatories, or fish oil 48 hours prior to or after treatment.
No botox or other fillers 30 days before as micro needling will break up the deadened, lifeless substance and invigorate blood and lymph flow, which will nullify any unnatural filler effects. If you have botched botox or other fillers that did not turn out as planned and want to break it up and move it away, then we can use facial acupuncture to remedy your situation.
What are the contraindications?
Uncontrolled high blood pressure, pregnancy, or reoccurring migraines. Anyone who is actively smoking any substance should not pursue micro-needling as your results will be minimal and disappointing. We can work on any of the above-mentioned conditions first with regular acupuncture care to heal and prepare your body for micro-needling in the future.
Regular blood thinner medication use is also contraindicated as it may result in causing too much bruising.
What should I expect after the treatment?
You may be red 8-12 hours after treatment. You may even have some pin point bleeding, or peeling, which is dead skin sloughing away. Some feel like they have a slight sunburn. All of these reactions are normal and mean that the skin is in the process of regenerating itself.
Do not wash your face or exercise afterward. We want to avoid further irritation.
Avoid the sun for 2 days after treatment.
There might be a slight burning or irritation afterward, which is normal.
After 4 treatments you will have noticeable effects that usually last up to 5 years in healthy individuals.
Why should I choose you for my Micro-Needling?
I have 15+ years of experience with facial acupuncture and received training from all of the available teachers in the industry including Michelle Gellis L.Ac., Barbara Berger L.Ac., Mary Elizabeth Wakefield L.Ac., etc. Facial acupuncture and aesthetics is something I truly believe investing in and am passionate about it. I use it on myself and dear friends regularly. I was also interviewed and featured by Aloha Taylor of Fox 5 news in San Diego in 2011 for my success in facial acupuncture.
My expertise garnered over 15+ years is solely focused on you during your time with me. You are receiving my full attention to receive my expert level of care. While I am skilled and extremely knowledgeable, I am also very warm and friendly and look forward to connecting with my patients and supporting them in all of their goals. You will feel well taken care of, informed about your health, get top-notch excellent results, and leave relaxed.
Why should I use Facial Acupuncture and Acu-Lift micro needling?
You will regain vitality and what we call “Shen” in Chinese Medicine, which is the youthful glow that is seen when someone looks at your face. Unlike fillers (Botox, etc.) that put your skin in a place it was never meant to be, acupuncture and micro-needling will not render your face lifeless and dull. Your natural essence will shine through instead of being numbed and deadened into a lifeless, expressionless form. Shen will shine through, invigorating your body’s natural ability to function at optimal levels. Your collagen production will be turbo boosted, your blood and lymph flow will course correctly in your face and body, and not be frozen by injections. Most importantly you are doing something that is truly healing and creating long-lasting health and vitality.