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Spring Liver Tips

While spring started over a month ago, it is now in full swing with warmer weather. Here are some simple easy tips to assist your liver to do what it naturally does during the spring time.

~To help release bile and cleanse the lymph, squeeze a fresh lemon into warm water each morning and drink before any other food or drink.

~Eating foods of the season such as arugula, fresh greens like chard, and artichokes are natural liver power cleaners. Beets and carrots also purify the blood making your liver function at it's best.

~Super boost your liver detoxification by ingesting tea or tinctures containing milk thistle, dandelion, or burdock. (Premier Research Labs tinctures available Liver ND $30 and Gall Bladder ND $30). Consider doing a reduced dose of daily Essiac tea. (Powdered tea pre made available for $5 small bag with instructions)

~Move the blood and lymph by alternating shower water between hot and cold or jump on a trampoline.

~Get acupuncture to de-stress, relax and move your qi. (Remember, qi is the oxygen inside the blood which feeds the organs to thrive!)

~Do a diet modification to eliminate the crap. No sugar, alcohol, dairy, caffeine, and known allergens and sensitivities. (Standard Process 21 day purification cleanse available for $225 with booklet and


Here's a tasty spring time recipe:

Beet and Carrot Casserole

1 bunch of steamed beets

1 lbs of steamed carrots

2 chopped scallions

3 gloves of minced garlic

olive oil

soy sauce

salt and pepper for seasoning

grated cheese

Remove outer skin from carrots and beets using a peeler then grate, keeping them separat so colors do not blend together. Sauté garlic and scallions on medium high heat for about 2-3 minutes until tender, but don't allow garlic to become brown. Add in carrots and beets to coat with scallion garlic mixture then add about 1/4 cup of soy sauce, 1/2 tsp of salt and pepper to taste. Put into a casserole dish layering the beets on the bottom and carrots on the top and cover with grated cheese. We use cheddar, or havarti, but any cheese will do, including vegan. Place into 350 oven until cheese is melted and enjoy. (Remember beets make your urine and bowel movements turn color so do not be alarmed if it appears you have blood in urine or bowels).

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